February has arrived, and everywhere you look you see hearts, flowers and the word love, reminding us that Valentine’s Day is near. So what if you are single? How does the idea of Valentine’s Day make you feel? Do you feel excited about the prospect of a new love coming into your life or do you feel sad wondering if there will ever be someone for you? Holidays, especially one dedicated to love and romance, can be difficult for singles. How do you survive and thrive this Valentine’s Day?
In order to thrive on Valentine’s Day as a single, you need to remember some important truths.
Deserve Love
*Do you feel like you deserve to love and to be loved? It is important to be aware of how wonderful you are, just the way you are. What do you have to offer a partner? It might be a good time to make a list and review it daily. Take the time to look in the mirror and tell yourself why you are a good catch.
Your Beliefs
* What areas do you need to work on? Be honest with yourself. If you are harboring limiting beliefs about yourself or about love, now is a good time to release them and replace them with positive beliefs. When you are truly ready for love, it will appear. There is someone special out there for you and finding him/her does not have to be difficult. It does require effort but the journey can be fun!
Relationship Requirements
*Do you know what you require, need and want in a relationship? Are you setting your standards too low and consistently being disappointed because you believe you have to settle? Are you looking for someone who doesn’t exist because you have too many unrealistic requirements? Knowing what is essential for you in a relationship and then being open to who you enter into that relationship with is an important key to finding “the one.”
Ready for Love
*Are you ready and available for love? Singles may need to heal old wounds before they can be ready for love. Past failures can be valuable lessons that allow you to be ready for the next relationship. What emotional baggage do you need to release? What new skills do you need to learn? Relationships do not come with manuals after all. It might be a good time to learn some new skills before you enter into a new relationship.
Open Heart
* Are you ready to take a risk and be vulnerable? You cannot find love and have an Unstoppable Relationship unless you are willing to take a risk. You might have to try new things and get out of your comfort zone. How about looking at dating as a new adventure? Have an attitude of excitement and go out there and try new things. Focus on meeting new people, be open to new experiences and be willing to fall in love.
If you need help in any of these areas, contact me for a strategy session to find out how I can help.
Lori Ann Davis, MA, CRS
Certified Relationship Specialist